Posting information. a post’s popularity – think about how many people liked it and how quickly people are liking, commenting, sharing and saving a post – and more mundane information about the content itself, like when it was posted and what it did, local, if any, was appended to it. Information about the person who posted. This helps us get a sense of how interesting the person might be to you, and includes signals such as how many times people have interacted with that person in recent weeks. Your interaction history with someone.
This gives us a sense of how interested you are generally in seeing a particular person’s posts. An example is whether or not you comment on each other’s posts. Therefore, Instagram is concerned with showing more of the type and format of content that you interact Cyprus Phone Number List with the most (with factors such as shares, likes and comments), based on your history with the aim of making the feed more personalized to your personal taste, and making it more interactive. That is, the more likely you are to take one of these actions, the higher in the Feed you will see the post.
About Stories Stories already doesn’t use recommendations based on AI for sorting your friends and followers’ content, but the logic is somewhat similar to that of the app’s feed. The main factors that Instagram takes into account when classifying Stories are: History view. This looks at how often you view an account’s stories so we can prioritize stories from accounts we think you don’t want to miss. Engagement history. This looks at how often you engage with stories on that account, like sending a like or DM. Proximity. This looks at your relationship with the author in general and how likely you are to be connected with friends or family.