These two questions haunt the minds of salespeople day and night and Im hardly eaggerating!. Especially when it comes to a prospect that we felt was good and who no longer shows any sign of life. How to restart it and get a response? Here is the concrete process to follow! Why is relaunching a prospect always more complicated? Reminders are at the heart of the commercial process . Rare are the prospects who convert into customers without needing to be followed up. Even more so in the current contet. Usually, the prospect already has a tendency to procrastinate. To postpone purchasing decisions.
Today its even worse. The tense economic contet in which we find ourselves makes Albania WhatsApp Number investing a strong and therefore rather anietyinducing decision. As a result, your prospects take advantage of the slightest pretet to postpone their decision and not respond to your requests. and seeing the points to follow to properly relaunch a prospect, lets start with the question that everyone is asking How many times to follow up with a prospect? time, , , , or more? To determine how many times you should follow up with a prospect, it is essential to take into account two essential points the length of your sales cycle and the different levers that you can pull to follow up with them.
Inevitably, the longer and more comple your sales cycle is, the more you will need to follow up with your prospects. Here, you should use the different levers at your disposal and not limit yourself to the telephone or prospecting emails . This is the whole purpose of the first point of the following prospect followup process How to follow up with a prospect effectively? To properly relaunch a prospect who no longer shows any sign of life, you must work on the following points Multiply the points of contact. Eploit the prospects interests. Surfing on the slightest pretet. Send a Breakup Email. Document your sales process. Automate your reminders.